Friday 27 July 2007

A policeman stops a woman who had been speeding and the following conversation ensues:
P: Can I see your license please?
W: I don't have one, it's been taken last time I was driving drunk
P: Can I see the car papers then?
W: Don't have any, I stole this car, but let me just look in the glove compartment under my pistol...
P: You stole this car and have a pistol in the glove compartment?
W: Yes, I put it in there after I shot the driver of this car and put her body in the boot.
P: You have a body in the boot?
W: Yes.
After hearing this, the policeman calls for backup and as these arrive a superior officer approaches the woman in the car, asking again:
SO: Can I see your licence?
W: Yes, of course here it is.
SO: Whose car is this?
W: Mine, here are the papers.
After checking the glove compartment and boot and not finding anything he says to her:
"This is strange, my colleague who first stopped you said you had no licence, stole the car, had a pistol in the glove compartment and a body in your boot"
To which the woman replied:" oh dear and I bet he also told you I was speeding..."

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